Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A weird thought

People used to stop their thoughts if it is weird. And very less continue to further think about it. Consider this one
Volume of ice is greater than the same amount of water.This makes liquid water more denser than ice and ultimately ice floats.This is an unique property of ice that many know.
Now, what if the ice behaves normally like any other solid.i.e it has higher density than water. Then ice will no longer float but sink.The consequences are
  • Icebergs sinks and reach the ocean floor.The already cool water at the bottom gets more cold and the ice gets insulted from the top warm water.When this continues the bottom layer will be getting filled by ice and the bottom dwellers and life supporting systems at the ocean floor will no longer prevail.
  • In the arctic regions where more water freezes during winter, the ice formed will sink and may drown the life existing there.
  • If all those land regions which are having their base as floating ice, sinks and adds more ice ice into the water, the volume of water will increase, since volume of ice is 1/9 times greater than the water.
  • The current amount of water in earth's surface in earth is approximately 70%. If water level increases by 1/9 times, resulting in water covered surface of earth to be 78%.Which means only 22% of surface will only be land, from the original 30%.
  • Which means 8% of 30%...i.e almost 1/4th of total land will be submerged into water, probably ice then.
Oops...If ice loses its property,I'll die because i'm in a coastal city.Oh...just an weird thought about ice behaving normally like solids, killed me.That is why people don't proceed with their weird thoughts further.

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